Cruz doesn’t appreciate Obama’s true motivation. It is based on intensifying the conflict between the “HAVES” and “HAVE-NOTS”. This is pure Alinsky doctrine … the goal is to empower the “HAVE-NOTS” to diminish the exploitation power of the “HAVES”. Obama has used this tactic to make our society the most divisive ever. But this result should be really self-destructive since it is based on “biting the hand that feeds you.” But for some reason, which I do not fully understand, it hasn’t been … the lack of understanding may be because I have a hard time believing that any American would prefer to be on the dole rather than working for a living.
The other ramification of the Obama-Alinsky strategy is that it acknowledges that there are significant economic costs associated with implementing the agenda, especially OBAMACARE. Employing Alinsky’s tactic of deception, Obama pushed these costs far enough into the future so that the adverse political impact of the true costs would not disrupt their political agenda (i.e., winning future elections). The process to sell OBAMACARE is the poster child of this cynical tactic. The financial planning horizon for considering OBAMACARE was legally limited to 10 years (the horizon for the Congressional Budget Office’s economic analyses). So the game was to reduce 10-year costs to less than $900B, with all analyses constrained by Obama’s guidance. There were several iterations of these CBO analyses to reduce the 10-year cost to approximated $900B. However, the deceptive analysis used 10 years of income (OBAMACARE funding paid for by taxpayers) to pay for 6 years of benefits. But, what would happen in the next 10 years when OBAMACARE would have to pay for 10 years of benefits? CBO could not analyze that issue since it was beyond its lawful planning horizon. Recall that Obama won “2013 Lie of the Year” award for the deceptions related to OBAMACARE! What a disgraceful commentary on his legacy program … and there has been no political consequence YET. But that honeymoon may be coming to an end. Annual Obamacare tax increases continue kicking in. As the public takes increasing hits in its pocketbook, more attention will be paid to what the real costs are … and that should generate a big backlash. But Obama, the narcissist, still enjoys his self-proclaimed 8 years of glory. But the true hallmark of his fiscal stewardship will be doubling the national debt to over $20 trillion. The perfidy of this result is greatly magnified by his Alinskyite tactic of deceiving the electorate by touting the brilliance of his policies to reduce the annual deficit … an overt lie since any deficit just aggravates our fiscal viability by increasing the already intolerable national debt. But that policy sounded good to an uninformed electorate since it helped finance an expanding welfare state. In truth, the fundamental precursor of the destruction of our economy is the burgeoning national debt, a metric that Obama never mentions. In this context Trump really is the best candidate to fend off a financial collapse. The critical focus now cannot be on preserving the purity of conservatism … we need a leader like Trump who has the technical skill set and aggressive leadership experience to get our economy moving back toward the right track.
The longer we postpone taking the medicine that will halt, and then reverse Obama’s economic perversity, the more radical the cure will have to be. Being blinded by “conservative principles” mimics the favorite liberal problem-solving orthodoxy … relying on “faculty lounge theories” while ignoring empirical evidence that define the nature of the problem and its cure (prime example: Global Warming). When your health is in extremis, you must kill the cancer or whatever is causing the problem, and then follow-up with rehabilitative procedures under a skilled doctor’s care.
We need a proven problem solver and “doctor” like Trump!
Wes May