We all remember the brouhaha at the end of the last legislative session over HB373 and the Lewis amendment, which created Affiliated Political Committees. We also remember being told that they would never, ever be used. Well how quickly things change! The new legislative session has not even begun and already they are coming to life! (See article by Brant Clifton: #ncga: It’s Getting’ All Affiliated Up In Here, Yo.)
Down here in Moore County we were saying, "So, you're going to just keep holding that loaded gun to our heads and you never, ever intend to pull the trigger? Really?? Yeah, right!.”
The leadership in Raleigh has been calling this an "insurance policy.” As this unwraps, taking out an insurance policy is one thing, but I would now more seriously equate this "insurance policy" to a man who is uncertain that his marriage will work out, going out and getting a girlfriend, "just in case,” thereby pretty much assuring the destruction of his marital relationship.
This is a massive incumbent protection racket, and involvement by these Affiliated Political Committees in primary races is now assured. The House and Senate Caucuses will determine who is worthy of receiving financial help during the primaries, promising the continuation of the Good Old Boy, Establishment, In-Crowd, Ruling Class in Raleigh.
Be certain to learn where your Senator and Congressman stand on this issue and make your campaign donations and vote accordingly. We have been marginalized again and it is way past time for mandatory term limits.
Contributed by Miriam Chu
Down here in Moore County we were saying, "So, you're going to just keep holding that loaded gun to our heads and you never, ever intend to pull the trigger? Really?? Yeah, right!.”
The leadership in Raleigh has been calling this an "insurance policy.” As this unwraps, taking out an insurance policy is one thing, but I would now more seriously equate this "insurance policy" to a man who is uncertain that his marriage will work out, going out and getting a girlfriend, "just in case,” thereby pretty much assuring the destruction of his marital relationship.
This is a massive incumbent protection racket, and involvement by these Affiliated Political Committees in primary races is now assured. The House and Senate Caucuses will determine who is worthy of receiving financial help during the primaries, promising the continuation of the Good Old Boy, Establishment, In-Crowd, Ruling Class in Raleigh.
Be certain to learn where your Senator and Congressman stand on this issue and make your campaign donations and vote accordingly. We have been marginalized again and it is way past time for mandatory term limits.
Contributed by Miriam Chu