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Planned Parenthood Exposé
By the Center for Medical Progress
By the Center for Medical Progress
This private, "Non-Profit Organization"—which reaps many millions in revenue flies its executives in first class—is annually getting approximately $500,000,000 of our tax money. 1/2 billion dollars to fund what a majority of Americans think is immoral. This is not only another unconstitutional confiscation and redistribution of Americans' property, but it is for something which most Americans strongly object. There are many pro-abortion billionaires and multi-millionaires that could put their money where their mouths are and replace tax money with their own donations.
Whether you are pro-choice, believe an abortion is the murder of a child, or hold a belief somewhere in-between, these videos must give you reason for pause.
Whether you are pro-choice, believe an abortion is the murder of a child, or hold a belief somewhere in-between, these videos must give you reason for pause.
selling Baby organs, limbs and tissues
Latest Video Oct 27 (full video)
"Human Capital"
Documentary Web Series Trailer of "Human Capital" Aug 22
"Human Capital" Video 1 Jul 28
Planned Parenthood’s Black Market in Baby Parts "Human Capital" Video 2 Aug 19
Inside the Planned Parenthood Supply Site "Human Capital" Video 3 Aug 12
Planned Parenthood’s Custom Abortions for Superior Product |
Aug 25 (full version HERE)
Aug 4 (full version HERE)
Jul 30 (full version HERE)
Jul 21 (full version HERE)
Jul 14 (full version HERE)