Pres. Trump's Full Farewell Address (19:49) 19Jan21
Lies and manipulation about "who we are" as Americans (01:05) 02Dec15
As usual, you can trust me to keep you safe.
"Top priority" montage (1:22) 25Mar16 |
Progressivism: Empire of Lies –
Firewall with Bill Whittle (06:29) 15Nov16 |
Millennials can't identify a distinction between Democrats and socialists... neither can the DNC Chair... neither can we. (1:50)
Sheriff Clarke: Obama & Holder started the war on law enforcement (05:15)
Conservative comedian, Steven Crowder, hammers "social justice warriors" who were disrupting an event at UMass
(4:44; PG-13 language) 28Apr16 |
Justice Clarence Thomas' 2016 commencement speech at Hillsdale College (35:22) 17May16 |
David A. Clarke, Jr's speech to the Two Ranger Mom's Military Charity Benefit About the Constitution and the Rights It Protects.
Audio file: Noted gun law and statistics expert, John Lott, talked to Mark Levin about Obama’s new executive gun control measures 08Jan16
The Future of Nuclear Sanctions Against Iran Explained in
Under 90 Seconds 20Aug15 |
Still wholly relevant, today (14:53) 02Jan16 |
What the Democrats Said About BUSH'S SCOTUS Nominees