In his opinion piece Trump and the Traitorous Critic Fallacy, Ian Haworth advocates a loser's strategy for conservatives. The article is worth reading for the truth and education it contains, but Hawsworth needs to wake up to communication in 2019. He's right that "love it or leave it" is just an emotional reply to insufferable fools. However, in his assertion that we need to (solely) use "objective metrics" to rationally refute the Left's bad ideas, Haworth misses what the president understands: a purely rational discussion of logic and facts will not be covered by the media—legacy or—so Nobody will hear it. An issue must get legs (be heard) before it can go anywhere (influence opinions). The Left has mastered evoking emotional knee-jerks. We are masters at making the rational case for liberty and protecting individual rights. We always win thoughtful debates, but if we're going to win hearts and minds, we've got to be more savvy about getting attention and stirring emotion. President Trump is quite good at that.
The consensus of our membership is that we generally oppose legislation to control adult, consensual activities involving private property (including one's own body). We also apply rational thought and commonsense to life's challenges.
If you have a male body but think it should be female, that is none of our business. On the other hand, you make it our business by demanding that we pay for your sex-change surgery and/or the medical care and hormone therapy that will follow it for the rest of your life. There is no "right" to serve in the military. Applicants have been denied entry to military service for as long as there have been militaries. Medical, legal, marital status, etc., are or have been discriminators. We don't know what causes a person to believe s/he was "born with the wrong body," but the cause is irrelevant to whether s/he should be allowed to enter the US military, or to take steps to change that body once admitted. THE purpose of the military is to "kill people and break things." All other functions are all other functions are incidental. So, whether you are blind, were born without arms, have asthma, are diagnosed with bi-polar disorder, use heroin, have a congenital heart defect, think you're supposed to have a penis and just were't born with one, etc., you should not be admitted to the US military. It's not personal. It's not a matter of morals or ethics. It's functional. Note: We are keenly aware that underlying the publicly stated reasons for the demand that transsexuals be allowed military service is the never-ending campaign to "fundamentally transform" America and tear down it's institutions and traditions in the name of "social justice." Changes may be beneficial or even necessary, but must not be pursued with a myopic disregard for facts, rational thought and consequences. The commissioners were subjected to the usual set of appeals to emotion (vs. fact-based, logically sound arguments). We submit that when TEN OF MILLIONS OF OUR DOLLARS are subject to confiscation by way of increased taxes, the only thing the Board of Commissioners should be considering is hard data. Parading photos of children holding signs reading "I am important" are perhaps more indicative of the Moore County Schools' lack of compelling data than of anything else.
Do we need new schools? If yes, are new public schools the best solution? Is the school system and its Rubber Stamp (the Board of Education) choosing property wisely? Is it wasting money? Is it looking at the best options for construction? Is the idea of the ACC a gamble or is it based on solid research backed by hard, objective data? These are all important and worthy questions that have real answers. It is the Board of Education's duty and obligation find them and make that information public. It has not done that. It is negligent and repeatedly passes the products of its incompetence—its lack of due diligence—to the Board of Commissioners. After all, it's much easier to get re-elected when you can force the commissioners to be the "bad" guys instead of defying the Great and Powerful Bob. The Pilot's story: Commissioners Give Green Light to Elementary School Funding Plan An Indiana lawmaker drafted a bill to require journalists be licensed by state police. He's the same man trying to reduce Ohio's control of gun owners by abolishing its requirement for a concealed carry permit. Is licensing journalists a good idea?
The dissolution of the United States of America is a frightening thing to contemplate. The only alternatives are a dissolution into multiple countries with different levels of freedom, or Totalitarian one party California-on-a-national-level tyranny. Is this what we're destined for? Are other alternatives not realistic? Read this short blog and tell us what you think.
This Wall Street Journal article recommends that Mitch McConnell, the despicable Senate Majority Leader, dispense with the Senate "Filibuster Law" in order to save the republic: The Filibuster Is Not a Suicide Pact
The American Revolution was the triumph of Individualism over Collectivism; freedom over the tyranny of rule by a few Masterminds who purport to know best how you should live your life. The freedom established by the American Revolution and grown over time was based in a philosophy diametrically opposite to that of the neo-communism being advance by the Left, today. Radicals like Bernie Sanders are out of the closet. Idealistic, emotional, ignorant college faculty and students are part of the useful fool toolbox. That punitive, controlling ideology is now fully in our faces and getting increasingly asinine and violent.
One of the tactics of the radical Left is to create problems where they don't exist, sell them, then "fix" them with the iron fist of government. It's an Alinsky tactic that wasn't original to him. The Maoists, Soviets, Nazis every totalitarian, murderous regime in history has used the idea of telling a lie often enough, using seemingly credible sources, until it eventually became the "truth" in the mind of the average citizen. One big lie, pushed hard by the Great Demagogue, Barak Hussein Obama, and now rolling under it's own inertia is the idea that America is full of white racists, woman-hating men, homosexual-hating heterosexuals, etc. Fabricated "outrages" like The Great St. Olaf College Racism Hoax of 2017 are corrosive and insidious. Each is another chip out of reality and the brilliant society in which we live. Do not let these counter-revolutionary attacks pass without reacting. Every time one of these hoaxes is exposed we should publicize it. Put it on social media. Email it (if you still do that). Tell your younger relatives about it. Don't browbeat them, just plant the seed of skepticism (healthy doubt that requires substantive evidence). We're seeking facts on Moore County schools funding, and tips about waste and misappropriation5/9/2017
Amid all the accusations, innuendo and strong emotions, we want to get to the bottom of things and know what's really going on. We heard one thing in the Zumwalt Zone (Quis) and read something else in the Haymaker [Moore County: Saul Alinsky. Screaming Mommies. School funding. (And Quis is RIGHT.)].
Are Moore County Schools officials in need of money or are they misappropriating/mismanaging what they have? If you have a usable information, put it in the "Comments" section, or send it to [email protected] if you desire confidentiality. The merits of Trump’s Syria strike aside, we need to bring back Congress’ power over declaring war4/9/2017
After reading Daniel Horowitz's piece The merits of Trump’s Syria strike aside, we need to bring back Congress’ power over declaring war, do you have thoughts on the idea?
(Submitted by Rational Thinker) On Friday, I looked at HB 141 from the standpoint of individual liberty (Is the HB2 "Repeal" Bad Legislation?). Today, we're assessing Mark Creech's article What’s Been Lost in the Repeal of HB 2, As I See It. Dr. Creech's points and my comments on them:
Weak — The idea that transsexuals are not allowed in the other sex's facilities was precisely the claimed reason for Charlotte's ordinance. Not allowed by what? Laws. Local government is the best, most responsive and representative government. The NCGA should not attempt to legislate every conceivable, potential, perceived wrong. 2. HB 2 blocked local governments from requiring “sexual orientation” and “gender identity” (SOGI) policies for those who wanted to contract business with them. Roy Cooper contends cities and county governments are now free to apply such requirements. HB 2 had removed all doubt that these laws were invalidated. This is no longer the case. Reasonable — I'm not aware of such policies heretofore, but they are undoubtedly one of the arrows in the "social justice warriors'" quiver. 3. HB 2 blocked “sexual orientation” and “gender identity” (SOGI) provisions from being added to local nondiscrimination laws relating to private employment practices and regulation of public accommodations. The new law, HB 142 – Reset of SL 2017-4, prohibits any such ordinances from being passed until December of 2020; but after that date, any local governments would be free to enact provisions like those passed in Charlotte in February of 2016. Reasonable — You know this coming. North Carolina is "purple" state, meaning it's not solidly Republican and can potentially be swung to the left. These assaults are coming. 4. Because of their opposition to HB 2, the NCAA, business interests, and other groups have held our state’s economy hostage to its demands. Repealing HB 2 likely emboldens them, as well as possibly others, for additional acts of extortion, which may or may not be related to HB 2. No and Yes — NC's economy has been growing, not hostage, despite a few boycotts. However, Dr. Creech point is clearly true: The NCGA's move is a Chamberlain-like capitulation to the (truly) radical Left. The NCAA may shut up and hold games in NC, but "peace in our time" didn't materialize and the fascist conquering machine is gearing up. 5. By repealing HB 2, the state loses the moral high ground it established. Repeal introduces doubt as to HB 2’s intent and rightness from the beginning. As N.C. Lieutenant Governor Dan Forest has said, “Such ambiguity undercuts the legitimacy of the law.” HB 2 was reasonable and common sense legislation. Absolutely! — Clear definitions are critical rule of law. "I'm a woman because I say I am on the inside" is asinine. 6. In repealing HB 2, North Carolina has forfeited its leadership in its stand against the redefinition of sex and gender. HB 2 has always been about much more than bathrooms. Its core issue is the way our culture will ultimately define sex and gender. Reasonable — It's unclear how critical this is, but other states DID begin to rally behind NC's lead.