CNN: Lawmakers say sexual harassers serving in Congress
NY Times: Past Sexual Misconduct Cases Show McConnell Is Willing to Take a Tough Line
So we ask these "brave" congresswomen, why haven't you named the perpetrators? Rep. Brave Speier claims she knows one from each party but tell us who they are (we assume that is a bipartisan example, not an absolute number). Rep. Brave Comstock can't find out who exposed himself to his staffer? Please. And Mitch McConnell doesn't mess around with those guilty of sexual conduct? We've all know known—for decades—what's been happening in DC. In some cases we've known whom, like Kennedy, and we're supposed to believe McConnell wields an iron fist on the matter? They truly do think us idiots and fools.
Members of the U.S. Congress need to be educated that it might be less than good to expose their genitals or grab others' genitals? We're going out on a limb, here, but is it possible that if you don't know that you shouldn't be making laws to dictate life to 320 million other Americans; you shouldn't be on Capital Hill?
Members of Congress, their staffers, media types and lobbyists have been living the highlife of drunken debauchery for a long time. They don't need education and certainly don't "training." They need to hammered by Congress and outed to their constituents.