In his opinion piece Trump and the Traitorous Critic Fallacy, Ian Haworth advocates a loser's strategy for conservatives. The article is worth reading for the truth and education it contains, but Hawsworth needs to wake up to communication in 2019. He's right that "love it or leave it" is just an emotional reply to insufferable fools. However, in his assertion that we need to (solely) use "objective metrics" to rationally refute the Left's bad ideas, Haworth misses what the president understands: a purely rational discussion of logic and facts will not be covered by the media—legacy or—so Nobody will hear it. An issue must get legs (be heard) before it can go anywhere (influence opinions). The Left has mastered evoking emotional knee-jerks. We are masters at making the rational case for liberty and protecting individual rights. We always win thoughtful debates, but if we're going to win hearts and minds, we've got to be more savvy about getting attention and stirring emotion. President Trump is quite good at that.
Schools should have broad leeway to govern what students wear. Obvious examples of inappropriate clothing include T-shirts with profanity or pornography, and "painted on" pants. Short of the obvious, principals must make judgement calls to facilitate academic, behavioral and social order. A boy wearing khaki cotton slacks and a button-front shirt will feel less inclined pick a fight than when he is wearing jeans and an old T-shirt from a Five Finger Death Punch concert. Principals should set standards and school boards should back them. Accordingly, a school-sponsored event must have standards, albeit more relaxed. In this case, the principal appears to have abused her power by censoring a political view she opposes, or to have demonstrated starkly poor judgement. A shirt promoting Jew-hater Farrakhan or alcohol use are inappropriate for a school-sponsored event, but a star-spangled, Statue of Liberty torch-bearing, "Trump 45" jersey at a patriotic-themed sporting event was wholly appropriate, as would have a red, white and blue, Obama "Yes we can" shirt. Original story from Daily Caller: Principal Replaced After Making A Student Take Off His Trump Jersey At A Patriotic-Themed Football Game I can't prove Speaker Paul Ryan's intent, but as a intellectually honest, keen observer, the goal of the Swamp (AKA the Establishment, Dems and Repubs) is clear: destroy the Trump presidency and grow government.
Ryan will file a brief with Supreme Court to try to block Obama’s immigration policies. Why? Because Trump is now threatening to cancel DACA, which he correctly condemned as unconstitutional (which it is) when he was a candidate. So, for FIVE YEARS this dictatorial power grab has been in place and the Republicans are only now challenging it? All that this cynical ploy lacks is a long string of show-votes sent to Obama for certain veto like the Republicans did with Obamacare. This is NOT a "Do Nothing" Congress, it is an "Undermine the President and Maintain An Immense, Overbearing Government That We Control" Congress. Reality: The Democrats are out-of-the-closet Socialists and Communists, so far from Truman and JFK that those men would be considered "conservatives," by the modern party (think Jim Webb. That is clear. What about the GOP? You loyal Republicans need to smell coffee. It's frightening, but you need to do it. You've been assuming that the Republican politicians who say they believe what you do will actually work for what they promise you. How's that working out for you? They cast occasional good votes, yes, but the aggregate is a lie and you know it. Obamacare? The border wall? Tax cuts? Stopping national money funding Planned Parenthood and Public Radio/TV? Stopping Common Core and the insidious (and growing) control on education by the NEA and other neo-Marxist organizations? "We're only one half of one third of the government. Give us the Senate and..." "We're only one branch of government. Give us the White House and..." "The Democrats can filibuster everything we want to do in the Senate. Give us 60 votes and..." Lies and misdirection. Those who control the GOP are corrupt liars. They are there to cement their control (as the majority or not) and feather their nests. What can you do?
A transcript of the accidentally-captured recording of the Trump-Putin secret meeting was just published, thanks to unnamed, anonymous sources at the Washington (aka "Beezos") Post.
In his speech in Riyadh today, President Trump didn't shy away from using terms like "Islamic terrorism," or from including Hamas in a list of "terrorist groups." He forcefully called on the leaders of the many Muslim nations assembled (including Asian nations) to "DRIVE OUT!" terrorists from their countries.
Rather than express anger at his direct approach, the assembled leaders and dictators then gave speech after speech (still ongoing as of this writing), in full support of all he said. In the opening greeting of their speeches, any addressed the U.S. President before the Saudi king. He is clearly the figure at this summit. Also of note was the focus on Iran. The Saudi King opened the session. Although it was a like listening to Obama (lots of BS), he did include a harsh condemnation of the Iranian government in his comment. President Trump did the same. So the American swerve into Obama kowtowing subservience is definitely over. Now let's see what develops. The Republicans control everything and yet they control nothing; and yet they DO nothing. What: Demand that Burr, Tillis and Hudson (or your rep if you're not in the 8th NC District)* immediately become visibly active in the fight against the daily, relentless, unfounded attempts to neutralize the Trump Administration* via death by 1000 cuts. Why: The Democrats (incl. the media) and the Establishment Republicans are attempting to destroy the President and his "drain the Swamp" agenda. You decide whether your Congressional politicians are part of the GOP Establishment, but the 8th District's (Burr, Tillis, Hudson) are certainly not helping the President with the good and vital parts of his agenda such as slaying Obamacare and funding the wall.** Why is it important: The Establishment (both parties) is unified in its mission to protect its power (i.e., the "DC Swamp"). Some are shouting in our faces while others work more passively. However, like a stack of wood, the mutual support network will collapse if it looses some blocks. We can't impact the Democrats, but we have three squishy Republicans who do depend on our votes. Force just a few of these swamp rats to pull out of the "Get Trump" network and the strain on the remaining blocks will collapse the effort. How: Convince your elected Establishmentarians (Burr, Tillis and Hudson) that whether or not the Swamp drowns the President, you will make them pay for being part of if. Call 2-3 times each week to demand to know what your Senators and Representatives are doing to actively fight back against the smear-and-obfuscation campaign under way against the President. They are using Alinsky's Rules #8 and #11. What to say and how to say it: Be yourself and speak your own thoughts. It's good to have a list of points that are important to you. Be candid. Don't say anything you don't mean. Don't attack the person on the phone. Address behavior, not motivation (after all, you're not psychic). Be direct and straight to your point. Passion is great but be civil; don't curse or insult. The person answering the phone doesn't make policy (even if s/he does try to argue with you). Just ask your questions (if you have any) and state the action you want the politician to take. A few examples:
Wilmington: (910) 251-1058 or (888) 848-1833 Winston-Salem: (336) 631-5125 or (800) 685-8916 Washington DC: (202) 224-3154 Thom Tillis Raleigh: (919) 856-4630 High Point: (336) 885-0685 Washington DC: (202) 224-6342 Richard Hudson Rockingham: (910) 997-2070 Concord: (704) 786-1612 Washington DC: (202) 225-3715 *click HERE to find your representative
**Anyone who regularly visits the MTC Website or attends meetings knows that we are not "fanboys" of the President. As constitutionalists and conservatarians, we oppose policies such as protectionism (anti-free market) and the titan "infrastructure" spending scheme (centralized, national debt-growing spending). We do not blindly follow or advocate for any politician. Trump slaps first tariffs on Canadian lumber
We can argue about the relative benefit/harms of specific tariffs (taxes on American consumers for foreign goods), but we know from the Laws of Economics—repeatedly proven by history—that tariffs are generally bad for the consumer and bad for the county. Canada is now retaliating against our tariff on soft woods. CANADA! Tillis is not a friend of Americans seeking jobs. Tillis is not a friend of the U.S.A. trying to pay down its trillion dollar national debt
Please read the below Charlotte Observer article. "You will never satisfy the far extremes on the left and the right," Tillis, R-N.C., told Fox News. His aim, he said, is "to get something to the president's design that he will sign." Tillis acts as if enforcing the immigration laws, building barriers to illegal immigration, and a system to track visa overstays would be far right actions. Tillis acts as if President Trump would not sign a bill that doesn't include relief for illegal aliens. Hello, we no longer have Obama as President. According to the CH, he told The Wall Street Journal that "his plan would aim to tighten border security and toughen enforcement of immigration laws - goals often cited by Republicans - while providing some kind of protective legal status for the roughly 111 million immigrants in the U.S. illegally, a Democratic priority." Clearly, Reagan tried to do that. The relief for illegals was actually put into action. Now it is time to put border security into action. Peggy Scott Pruitt and Jeff Sessions — Right men for the right jobs
Action: Call our senators' offices and politely let tell his staffers just how important this vote is to you. Pruitt: One of PEOTUS Trump's unquestionably great nominations is Oklahoma Attorney General Scott Pruitt to run the EPA. AG Pruitt has been a chronic champion of liberty and thorn in the side of the EPA, suing it for one violation of our rights after another. Word has gotten to to MTC that Sen. Burr has is making noises that make us question his intent. Sessions: Sen. Jeff Sessions, contrary to the blatant lies being spread by shameless politicians like the chronically-lying Sen. Corey Booker (D., NJ), is a highly principled, rule-of-law conservative who sent a Klasman to his death in Alabama and desecrated schools. Sen. Richard Burr Washington DC: (202) 224-3154 Winston-Salem: (336) 631-5125 or (800) 685-8916 Wilmington: (910) 251-1058 or (888) 848-1833 Sen. Thom Tillis Washington DC: (202) 224-6342 Raleigh: (919) 856-4630 High Point: (336) 885-0685 |