I discussed with Mr. Hayes how trivial things can become points of unnecessary friction, for example, the use of the term "grassroots" has become very contentious among the various feuding factions. Several announcements from NCGOP Communications have recently been sent out declaring that "Grassroots Republicans" were responsible for electing Hayes, removing Harnett, etc.. The very people that Mr. Hayes was now attempting to reconcile with were being unnecessarily offended just by the use of this term, and how simple it would be to avoid this unnecessary offense just by ceasing the use of "grassroots" in communiqués from the NCGOP headquarters. Mr. Hayes acknowledged that would be a very small
Later, Mr. Hayes publicly corrected Dallas Woodhouse for his misuse of "grassroots" in his presentation. One tiny step toward reconciliation; it was a good moment.
Robin Hayes, did listen as he had said he would, now the question is "Did he pay attention?"
Jim Womack, a constitutional conservative in the Lee Co. GOP, presented Robin Hayes, the GOP's new old Party Chairman and Establishment stalwart, with a list of seven actions necessary to begin the reconciliation between NC Tea Party groups, other conservative activist groups and the NCGOP leadership. Here is the document discussed as a starting point for reconciliation by Robin Hayes and Jim Womack at the NCGOP open house event:
The Path to Reconciliation with the NCGOP Grass Roots
May 4, 2016
This list of actions is prerequisite to any reconciliation between the NCGOP Central Committee and NCGOP party activists, commonly referred to as “Grass Roots Republicans.”
- During the 2016 Convention, present for inspection by any member of the Executive Committee all names and signatures received on both the petition for Chairman Hasan Harnett’s removal and the petition for a meeting on April 30, 2016.
- Apologize formally to the NCGOP - including our candidates for office this year - for the divisions within the party leadership and recent disruptions that have damaged our brand and our ability to support conservatives in this pivotal election year. Do not lay blame on Hasan Harnett, but instead on our ambiguous Plan of Organization, on unplanned changes in NCGOP staff, and on our collective inability to forge an effective leadership team with the Chairman. State that immediate action is being taken to remedy all contributing factors so we can form effective county and state party organizations and be successful in all races during the 2016 election cycle.
- Announce the immediate dissolution of the Central Committee’s Non-Disclosure Agreement (NDA) which prevents the Executive Committee and the party at-large from knowing most of the inner workings of the Central Committee. State that all future Central Committee meeting minutes and schedules will be digitally released to the members of the Executive Committee within one week of having transpired. Allow only (strictly) personnel and legal actions to be matters discussed and not disclosed from Central Committee meetings so we can re-establish transparency within the party.
- Set aside time and take the necessary parliamentary actions to ensure delegates at the May 6-7 2016 NCGOP State Convention have a reasonable opportunity to discuss and vote on all proposed changes to the Plan of Organization and all Resolutions brought forward out of the Resolutions Committee. No parliamentary tricks or agenda shuffling to prevent these items from being considered by the body before close of the general membership meeting on Saturday, late afternoon.
- Agree to comply immediately with the federal court’s mandate to re-district the 13 Congressional districts by convening district conventions in June or July 2016 that will administratively realign the party to best support and promote our Congressional (and other) candidates this fall- so we administratively conform with mandated new boundaries, greatly simplifying our apparatus for party governance.
- Agree to create a standing NCGOP Plan of Organization committee, immediately following the Re-districting conventions, that will meet monthly for the next year. This committee will completely overhaul the Plan to better define the duties, authority, responsibilities and purposes for each and every position and committee within the Plan. It will be made more complete to clearly define our rules for internal organization and administration, procedures to be followed for such things as disciplinary hearings, and a detailed communications plan to be followed for all party correspondence, media releases, and messaging. Allow each district executive committee to elect their representative to this committee, and for the committee itself to elect its chairman at its first meeting. Send out monthly updates of proposed changes to both the central and executive committees and the DCCA group so the grass roots of the party are kept informed about the changes being proposed to take effect at next convention. Agree to present the new Plan of Organization as the complete replacement plan for adoption (with opportunity for amendments) during the 2017 convention.
- Agree to organize the 2017 convention so that general session fees will not exceed $45.00 per person. Put together a strategy to reduce general session fees for future conventions, after 2017, to require only a small ($10.00 or so) administrative fee for participation.