Plot: The movie is divided into two themes. The first exposes and documents the actual record of racism in the Democratic Party. The second makes a compelling case for the corruption of the Clintons on a global scale.
The Good
- Substance: Pithy; packs a lot of information into two hours without being wearisome. D’souza not only exposes facts (documented; not wild-eyed inferences) that surprised me, and I am not a Low Information Voter. He makes a good case by way of substantive support. I’m a realist and a skeptic, but I did see a partisan attack that ignored facts and insults the intelligence of the viewer. To the contrary, I was satisfied by the evidence he presents.
- Technical: The “Hollywood” aspect the movie—quality, effects, entertainment, etc.—was top notch. It looks like a lot of money went into the production and it paid off.
The Bad: There is little to criticize. Out of almost two hours of rapid-fire data and assertions, there were only two points that I thought were a bit weak, but neither were false nor out of context.