OK, I don’t really want a (second) Marxist in the White House, so bear with me.
FACT 1: Unless she is indicted, Clinton is the odds-on favorite to be the Dem candidate. Bernie would be easier to beat. He’s an out-of-the-closet socialist and that frightens most conservative Democrats (maybe even all four of them!), but he’s unlikely to be the nominee.
FACT 2: Very few of our interactions with Progs (Progressives, aka “Libs” and “Leftists”) will afford the opportunity for a serious discussion of political philosophy. Most are momentary, such as waiting in line with a 65-year-old woman with a “My body, my choice” lapel pin, or buying headphones from a bearded, 23-year-old hipster with a
FACT 3: You will realize one of four possible outcomes when engaging a Prog: 1) conversion to your side, 2) zero impact, 3) make her angry and more resolute or 4) plant a seed of doubt in her amorphous thought processes.
FACT 4: Telling the ‘60s feminist that “God made life,” or the hipster that “Hillary isn’t a Constitutionalist” will likely steel their resolve. We don’t want that. A quip or a lapel pin won’t change a drone’s view.
THEREFORE, unless I’m content with not rattling your liberty-crushing, Marxist cage, I must employ a strategy that both accounts for the facts and is subtle. Part 1 is to hit you with a script like that in the first paragraph. I’m going to push you towards favoring Bernie. However, my reasoning (phase 1 of what the military calls a “psychological operation” or “psyop”) is not that Sanders has good ideas, but because Hillary is so bad, not just as a candidate, but as a human being. She’s a rotten, corrupt, lying sack of hypocrisy. That is, from within the Trojan Horse of being a Bernie supporter, I criticize both people and the drone doesn’t realize it. Will that little ploy switch you from Clinton to Sanders? Maybe, but if it doesn’t that’s where phase 2 of the psyop comes into play.
You’re a Hillary supporter. Maybe you’re aware of the mountain of evidence against her, but as shocking as it might be, you might not be. Either way, I’ve planted a seed that might germinate prior to the primary. My goal is to demoralize you; to deescalate your level of excitement about voting for Hillary. At best, I want you disgusted by your options. At worst, I want you blasé. If I can get you to stay home because it’s raining and you’re so uninspired by Hillary that it’s not worth the effort to you, I’ve now stopped you from cancelling a vote for Bernie.
Even if you do vote in the primary, the seed of doubt has eight more months to grow. If Hillary isn’t indicted, you won’t be able to avoid the barrage of negative messages about her. They will water the sapling of disheartenment that “Bernie supporter” (I) planted back in February. You’ll feel about Clinton the way Constitutionalists felt about McCain and Romney (millions stayed home).
No. I don’t support the contemptible Bernie Sanders. I loath him and his criminal counterpart. As such, I want to do all I can to defeat them. Since I can’t win over a drone in a brief encounter, I want to dispirit him. I want to make him think that even “his fellow Progressive” considers Clinton a criminal, a hypocrite, a degenerate. I want vote for the clown or at least not vote for the con. After the primary, I want him disinclined to donate, put a sticker on his car, or work or vote for the Democrat.
In short, I want the Progressive drones in my casual interactions to think that Progressives activists hate Hillary. I’m interested to read what you think.
Contributed by "Wild Bill Donovan"