Thom Tillis emailed to me that the voters didn't give Republicans a mandate for change. I very strongly disagree!
Email Tillis on his House website (92% effective) or call 202-224-6342 (84% effective, but higher if you are personal and passionate).
One of Trump's strongest selling points was "Build the Border Wall." Now this wimp Tillis is spouting to the Charlotte Observer and the Wall Street Journal and the Senate and his constituents that the election was a mandate to cast aside their petty partisan differences in order to deliver solutions that benefit the nation!
The benefit to the nation is border enforcement and visa enforcement — keeping out drug traffickers, terrorists,and yes, people who have it economically tough in their country and think they deserve, they have the right, to come to the USA. A country that cannot protect its borders does not deserve to be called a country.
Tillis' emphasis is on securing 60 votes to get an immigration bill passed. However, there are Democrats who are up for re-election in 2018 whose districts favored Trump. Rather than fighting for what is best for America, and convincing Democrats to join him, Tillis is groveling in the sand.
Tillis says everyone wants their position on one end of the spectrum or the other. I think Border Security is smack dab in the middle, an absolute no-brainer. All Americans DESERVE border security.
Tillis said that "All [Americans] said was to produce results." I strongly disagree. I believe that it is better to NOT create a law than to create a BAD law.
The first steps under Tillis' proposal would tighten border security and deport any illegal immigrants engaged in criminal activities while also providing some temporary legal status for people brought to the country illegally at a young age by their parents. WAIT! Isn't the second part of that Obama's illegal DACA program (Deferred Action on Childhood Arrivals)? Isn't the United States already supposed to be enforcing its borders? Isn't the United States already supposed to be deporting illegal aliens, especially those engaged in criminal activities. This is not bipartisanship. This is caving to Obama's illegal executive action.
EMAIL or CALL Sen. Thom Tillis and tell him the Republicans do have a mandate to protect our borders and enforce our visa and immigration laws.
For additional information:
Tillis' remarks on the Senate floor
Wall Street Journal article Tillis Lays Groundwork for Broad Immigration Overhaul
Charlotte Observer article – Senator Tillis: Voters didn't give Republicans a mandate
Effectiveness ratings are from the Congress Foundation